Friday, July 11, 2008

A Case for Self-Regulation

There seems to be a great deal of talk these days on the growing importance of leading healthy and disciplined lives. Every newspaper, T.V channel, magazine, devotes at least a weekly/monthly feature on the same. As a result, a walk down the park and you will find both youngsters and elderly performing yoga in groups, having a loud laughter session or simply taking a quite stroll. It is heartening to note, thanks to the Swami Ramdev revolution in part and the growing health awareness among the masses that we are beginning to retrace our steps to the age-old remedies of good health and peace. These are welcome signs and indicative of the fact that we want to live healthy and happy.

Complexities of work and home take a toll on the families and relationships. Most of us live in nuclear ones and hence have a hard time balancing the time out evenly between demanding pressures at both ends. As such, it becomes imperative that we involve ourselves in some therapeutic practices that help in releasing some of the anxieties that modern lifestyle brings with it. Yoga is one such activity and so are other forms of exercises. However, there is more to it.

Our ancestors lived happier and contended lives even though they did not have access to all the resources that we have today. One sincere thought and you would know why! They followed strict rules with regard to their daily activites, ate simple food, walked a lot, depended largely on natural resources for everyday needs, and most importantly the division of work in families was such that allowed everyone ample time for themselves as well as for each other.

To imitate exactly what the past generations followed might not be possible or even practical to some extent in these times. However, I am sure you will agree that there are certain basic practices that each one of us, regardless of age, gender, religion etc. can follow to de-stress ourselves. These are not difficult to follow and, with little time management, fit within our daily chores. So get going for your own sake.

  1. Practice meditation: This should be the first activity of the day and practiced everyday without fail. Choose any form that helps you focus on the Supreme. There is ample information around and you will need to pick one that works best for you over a period of time. Start with a convenient duration and then increase it to levels where you feel completely detached from the outside world (it’s possible, believe me!)
  2. Draw up a timetable/list of activities: My wife often accuses me of forgetfulness and regrettably, it is one of those areas where I cannot defend myself successfully. Most of us remain unorganized despite the fact that there are tons of activities that demand our attention during the day or week. Draw up a list of such activities and check them off as you accomplish them. No more wild accusations!
  3. Long walks: It is a divine pleasure to be able to walk in the wild, hear the birds chirping, smell the scent in the air, and most importantly admire the gift of nature in its flora and fauna. . Although, mornings are the best time to engage in it, choose any time of the day.
  4. Turn off the news: If you are one of those who cannot start their day without a dig at the newspaper, you have company in millions. Consider replacing it with an inspirational or spiritual book for some days. As it is, news these days is more sensationalism than reality and usually fills us with remorse or sadness, one way or the other.
  5. Get musical: It is said that music is the soul of life. We all enjoy it in one form or the other but often in the middle of our mindless routines, fail to appreciate its true power. Several researchers have concluded that music can not only divert your mind off tension and anxiety but also cure common problems associated with fatigue and exhaustion.
  6. Sleep well: As per a recent study, we are getting more stress prone due to our tendencies to stay awake till late hours. Combine this with our crazy work schedules and you have a perfect recipe for a troublesome life. Discipline your sleeping patterns and cut unnecessary tasks from your schedule, if you have to, to get at least 8 hours of peaceful sleep.
  7. Volunteer for social activities: When you engage yourself in the service of the needy and underprivileged, not only do you get a great sense of satisfaction but are also able to put your own problems in perspective. In spare times, do not hesitate to associate yourself with such activities individually or in a group.
  8. Spend time with your family: You have heard this from everyone. It is a well known fact that those who spent more time with their family and close friends lead happier lives and are also more productive at work. Ensure that you provision for adequate time to stay connected to your loved ones.
  9. Introspect: Although relationships help a great deal in making us aware of our shortcomings and strengths alike, do endeavor to spend some time alone as well. Visiting a quite park, museum, or library helps us get in touch with our inner selves.
  10. Count your blessings: We are all fortunate or achievers in some way or the other. Rather than focusing on the negativity of life or things you could not achieve, focus instead on your successes. People who focus on positive energy experience a greater sense of well being and happiness.