Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Set Goals To Be A Winner

All of us desire something each day and once we have it, our wish list renews itself. This is true for anyone irrespective of their age, income or cultural orientation, for example; a need to raise your standard of living, to increase your income, or a dream to loose a few pounds in three months.

However, if these people were asked if they have set any specific goals, they would probably say no. This is because they have not committed these to a paper and have not resolved to achieve them. Start with setting specific short term goals which are realistic, measurable, attainable, relevant, and have timelines attached to them. This is called SMART goal setting, S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R-relevant, and T-timely.

Having set these goals, just start on working them and periodically compare your performance with the targets set. This will give you a clear idea on whether you are lagging behind, are in-sync with the standards, or way ahead of your schedule. This periodic analysis will give you control over re-setting your goals or making changes in the strategies to pursue them.

People often feel that they need someone to motivate them to achieve their goals. But the truth is that only you can motivate your own self. Reward yourself for achieving these milestones which will be your stepping stones to the much bigger goals of your life.

And last but not the least. In order to help yourself achieve these goals, all you need is to take the first step. I read somewhere that any activity followed for continuous 21 days eventually becomes a habit and then it takes no special effort to include it in your routine. But you must do it for 21 days religiously and enthusiastically.

In a nutshell,

* Set SMART goals,
* Go-retro, put them on a paper,
* Keep your spirits high, always and all ways,
* Reward yourself on achieving them, and
* Practice them on a regular basis.

Go set your first goal right now!

1 comment:

Intan said...

Very well written posts. I came across your blog after seeing your profile on Odesk. Keep writing!